Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is it true that chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying?

     I have never heard it said that chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying, but I saw it among a list of did-you-know?s and found it intriguing.  It is most likely because I cannot formulate a single reason why it would work, but it seems to be one of the most random untrue statements someone could come up with for a list like that.  So is it true, or does chewing gum while peeling onions not keep your eyes from watering?

     For those people you on a regular basis will cry when peeling onions, I would like to pose this question to you.  I want to see what you think from both your experiences before every trying chewing gum at the same time as well as during the test.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is it true that hot water makes ice cubes faster than cold water?

     Thinking back to my science class days, I can remember hearing that water that is hot freezes quicker than water that is cold.  At first, it sounded quite unbelievable, but after some thinking, it did seem to hold water (pun intended).  Water molecules are spread out more and moving faster in the state of a gas than water as a liquid. Molecules that are spread out would have a good chance to be affected by the cold than molecules closer together.

     Now, that is using my limited knowledge and terminology.  There are actually many ideas as to why this occurs.  This phenomenon has a name (the Mpemba effect) as well as a very interesting history.  One source of this additional information is here.

     I have come up with a possible exception though.  Why was the water cold?  What if the water was not originally cold but cold because it was further along in the freezing process than when the hot water was poured into the second ice cube tray?  Exception or no exception, I imagine it may be possible to do things just right, you can start your ice cubes at two different times and have all of them finish at the same time.

Disclaimer: Enormous amounts of water can be wasted if a lot of people begin running their taps until hot water pours out just to have “warmer (than tap water temp) water” for slightly faster ice cube formation.  Add to that the wasted energy caused by heating the water only to cool it down again.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is it true that I can get help from people on blogging?

Blogging has been growing more popular as time goes on.  It has also become more influential.  To be honest, I have not viewed too many blogs nor have I done a lot of research into how to do them.  My wife has one, which has been the bulk of my viewing and editing exposure.  I know most of my knowledge about the many uses and forms of influence a blog can have through my mom.

Do you ever feel as though the more you know, the more the simple becomes complicated?

Reaching out to those with experience can be a very valuable resource.  This can evidence itself quite substantially at times when you attempt to do something with no one's help and you fail miserably.  You may also spend hours and hours on something just to find that someone else had the knowledge you could have easily resourced and hours would have been minutes.

Now that that I think about it, this is similar to the one of the goals I have for this blog.  That is for this blog to be a source that people can go to for answers or at least guidance in many avenues of life and actives such as making a blog.  In the case of blogging, I need your help in supplying the information.  Anything blog related would be very helpful to both me and those viewing this blog whether it be blog template sources, dos and don't of blogging, or even if you have a question that a later post or comment could answer.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Is it true that you are starting a blog?

I am starting a blog.  This is quite exciting for me, especially since I have never done this before.  I am very, very new at this.

"Why?" you may ask.  At every moment, every person is acting on how they view the world.  Discerning truth is critical.  Join me in my journey as I look, find, question, and answer.  I do not have all of the answers, but I can help, guide and point in the direction of truth and ultimately The Truth.